
I left work a little late today. After running errands I arrived home in the gloaming that comes just before nightfall. Some folks may be unhappy about how early night falls now and will fall for the next several months.

I prefer to not descend into unhappiness about something I cannot control. Rather to accept and appreciate what I cannot change. A time to reflect and give thanks for on the years’ gifts and blessings, to ponder The Great Mystery of the next year.



It’s good and important to look around, to find beauty in your surroundings no matter the season. Beauty can be found even in a dry winter – subtle differences in the shades of brown, tan, and grey become more prominent.

Having said that there is nothing wrong with anticipating this summers’ colours. This photo of last years’ dianthus is something to admire, and look forward to.



Winter, true winter, the real thing, puts in a brief appearance this weekend. Tomorrow will be breezy, accentuating the chill of the predicted high of somewhere between -10C and -13C. I do not exactly want or welcome such chill. Yet I accept the reality that it’s winter, it gets cold, and I cannot change those facts. Cold snaps like this help me appreciate our snug little home all the more.

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During a recent trip to Windsor we took the scenic route, travelling on Highway 3. Route 3 rarely strays far from the Lake Erie shore. Since this is migrating season we were privileged to see hundreds of migrating Turkey Vultures including and this squadron of 17 individuals. What graceful birds, swooping, soaring, and riding the wind!



Stella and I visited the vet today, following up on last weeks’ fistulae repair. It was a very encouraging visit. The stitches are intact, no sign of infection, and no evidence of other concerns. If next Thursday’s follow up is clear we should be able to resume normal life. Fingers, toes, and paws crossed. Your good thoughts are deeply appreciated.

She’s been such a good trooper throughout all of this. Although she was stressed by today’s vet visit, she allowed Dr. Vallee to examine her without complaint let alone growling or snapping. I am very, very blessed to have such a good dog.

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